Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thank you, my creative whatever, for absolutely nothing

So, I'm sitting on the couch in my room with my feet up, trying to totally knock out my whole rough draft tonight. Ambitious, right? But I figure I'm not really busy right now, so I might as well try to do this before the week hits me in the face and knocks me right on my butt. And my creative whatever, wherever it is that my brilliant ideas sometimes spring forth from completely unprovoked, seems to be on the fritz. I can't tell if what I'm putting down right now is good or not. I'm torn between "Dang, this is good" and "I pity the poor sucker who has to slog through this pile of crap". It's truly disheartening.
See, I'm kind of going for length with this one; I need a piece that will help my portfolio size. And so I'm writing for length, and I all of a sudden realize, "I could die writing this story. Sweet hickory, I started writing about someone's life, for cryin' out loud! This could go on forever!"
So that's where I'm at right now, for those of you who have some sort of personal investment in the progress of my writing life. I hope your non-fiction ramblings are pouring out more easily than mine at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean! It is hard to write a long piece and still make it interesting. I have no doubt you can do it though.
