Sunday, October 3, 2010

If anything came from Hell...

If anything came from Hell, it's flies and other buzzing insects. I'm doing my best to find my muse and really hit my writing stride, and all I can hear is buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. And not just a little buzzing. A constant, maddening drone as if this fly is trying to single-handedly annoy me to death. So of course I try the flail dance, but that didn't help at all. For all my flapping and flailing, I think that fly might have been mocking me as it dodged my efforts with ease.
I would just like to say that if I hadn't found a flyswatter which, apparently, is the only object flies can't avoid, you'd be sitting in class three or so weeks from now listening to a God-awful Takota Thiem draft all about flies. And so help me, there would me research in there. Fortunately, I pancaked that buzzing Satanic annoyance after about a ten-minute chase scene between my parents' kitchen and dining room. All's well that ends well, I suppose, and the writing process continues until a new annoyance takes up the mantel the fly left behind.


  1. I love this. I was trying to write a little last night and was about to lose my mind because my roommate had a little bit of a smack to his gum chewing. After listening to it for about five minutes I yelled at him to stop smacking and he stared at me like I had lost my mind... which probably is the case. It's funny how something so little can be the biggest distraction.

  2. But I was so looking forward to the draft all about flies! I think there's so much humor in this post that could translate into a wonderful one-page-draft.

    Bugs are evil.
